Moyo Bouquet


These forever flower bouquets are filled with real dried flowers in all-natural shades.

Each arrangement is uniquely made with a mix of house dried flowers with varying textures and shapes.

Flowers are artfully arranged, ensuring a unique sustainable product that lasts indefinitely. -Bouquets will come wrapped in burlap and tied with a jute bow -

There will be variations in flowers and colors depending on local and seasonal availability -Actual bouquets will be unique and of a similar color scheme and price point

-Made-to-order and takes approximately two weeks to create from start to finish

-Flowers may be a bit squished during the shipping process and may need a gentle fluffing with your fingers to volumize them

Made In USA

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These forever flower bouquets are filled with real dried flowers in all-natural shades.

Each arrangement is uniquely made with a mix of house dried flowers with varying textures and shapes.

Flowers are artfully arranged, ensuring a unique sustainable product that lasts indefinitely. -Bouquets will come wrapped in burlap and tied with a jute bow -

There will be variations in flowers and colors depending on local and seasonal availability -Actual bouquets will be unique and of a similar color scheme and price point

-Made-to-order and takes approximately two weeks to create from start to finish

-Flowers may be a bit squished during the shipping process and may need a gentle fluffing with your fingers to volumize them

Made In USA

These forever flower bouquets are filled with real dried flowers in all-natural shades.

Each arrangement is uniquely made with a mix of house dried flowers with varying textures and shapes.

Flowers are artfully arranged, ensuring a unique sustainable product that lasts indefinitely. -Bouquets will come wrapped in burlap and tied with a jute bow -

There will be variations in flowers and colors depending on local and seasonal availability -Actual bouquets will be unique and of a similar color scheme and price point

-Made-to-order and takes approximately two weeks to create from start to finish

-Flowers may be a bit squished during the shipping process and may need a gentle fluffing with your fingers to volumize them

Made In USA