Wellness ZO . Wellness ZO .

Am Not A Masseuse

I know to some people it might seem like tomato tomato.. but this industry has long been associated with sex work and it is a stigma that I face on a daily basis. With men calling into the spa while masturbating or coming into the spa asking for happy endings or table showers, there are way too many incidents to recount.

I am a massage therapist, I work or in my case Own a spa not a massage parlor. I know the terms may seem interchangeable but there's actually a difference. A masseuse is typically associated with sex work, while a massage therapist is a licensed and trained professional who provides therapeutic massages for pain relief, relaxation and improved overall well-being. A massage parlor is a place where these sexual erotic massage services take place. While a Spa is known as a place where all types of beauty and wellness service take place.

I know to some people it might seem like tomato tomato.. but this industry has long been associated with sex work and it is a stigma that I face on a daily basis. With men calling into the spa while masturbating or coming into the spa asking for happy endings or table showers, there are way too many incidents to recount.

Below are a few of my interactions with these filthy animals.

learning how to use the right words helps to break this sex worker stigma, that are especially placed on female massage therapist.

As a massage therapist, I've undergone rigorous training and education to understand the human muscular and skeletal systems, as well as different massage techniques for specific ailments or needs. I may use deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, or other modalities depending on the client's needs and preferences.

And at La LUX Spa I offer different face and body treatments. That can be booked along side the massage services.

In my sessions, I aim to promote healing and relaxation while also addressing specific issues or concerns. Whether it's chronic pain, headaches, stress or tension, or just a need for some self-care and pampering, I can tailor my treatments to meet specific needs. So if you're ever in need of a massage, remember that I'm not a masseuse - I'm a licensed and trained massage therapist who can help you feel your best!

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Beauty , Wellness ZO . Beauty , Wellness ZO .

Facial Massage; The Best Anti-Aging Treatment.

This is an anti-aging spa treatment with no consequences or regrets.

Let’s start by defining these words “ Massage” and “Facial”

Massage- is the rubbing and kneading of muscles with the hands to relieve tension or pain. Facial- a beauty treatment for the face; of or affecting the face.

When these two words are combined together as an overall spa treatment you get one of the best anti-aging treatments available. Facial massages involve manipulating the facial muscles, stimulating pressure points, and applying specific techniques with the intention of improving the texture and appearance of the skin. With regular massage sessions, the facial skin looks healthier, toned and youthful.


One of the major benefits of facial massage is that it helps to boost collagen production. Collagen is a protein found in our skin that provides structure, elasticity, and youthfulness. As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen which can lead to wrinkles and signs of aging. Facial massage increases collagen production by stimulating certain areas on the face - resulting in improved tone and firmness.

Facial massage also helps to improve circulation throughout the face which as stated before boosts collagen production and promotes healthy cell regeneration. Since this process encourages new cells to replace old ones - dead or damaged cells are shed away allowing for a brighter complexion. Furthermore, this improved circulation can help unclog pores reducing breakouts and providing a smoother complexion overall.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

TMJ is a chronic jaw injury due to grinding or clenching of the teeth or other trauma of the jaw. Suffering from this dysfunction can often lead to terrible headaches and facial aches. Constant facial massages helps ease the discomforts associated with TMJ.  Other benefits include draining toxins from the lymph nodes that have built up due to stress, or sinus congestion helping to reduce puffiness around the eyes (such as dark circles)

Youthful Skin Awaits!

The benefits of facial massage can go on and on, improving mental well-being through relaxation, calming inflammation caused by environmental aggressors like pollution or sun exposure; as well as providing a natural glow due to increased blood flow delivering essential nutrients into your skin cells aiding in hydration levels being maintained for longer periods of time. This is an anti-aging spa treatment with no consequences or regrets. Start your anti-aging journey at La LUX Spa.

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