Wellness ZO . Wellness ZO .


Let’s rewind to my first day of massage school, back in 2012, as I listened to the instructor give a rundown of the syllabus, I thought to myself, ewwwww!!! I am never ever touching anyone’s feet. Now eleven years later it’s one of my favorite parts of the human body to work on and the number one service I promote to my clients at La LUX Spa(Including the ZO body contour but that’s another blog post)

Let’s rewind to my first day of massage school, back in 2012, as I listened to the instructor give a rundown of the syllabus, I thought to myself, ewwwww!!! I am never ever touching anyone’s feet. Now eleven years later it’s one of my favorite parts of the human body to work on and the number one service I promote to my clients at La LUX Spa(Including the ZO body contour but that’s another blog post)

We all love a great feet massage, of course you have your regular feet massage that’s part of a full body session or pedicure then there is Reflexology. Reflexology is a centuries-old practice that has gained popularity for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. This holistic therapy is based on the idea that specific points on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to different organs and systems in the body.

These reflex points are interconnected through energy pathways and by applying pressure to them, it stimulates the flow of energy, blood and nutrients throughout the body. This in turn, helps the body's natural healing mechanisms to function optimally. During a reflexology session, you can expect to relax in a comfortable chair or on a massage table while the therapist uses their fingers and thumbs to apply precise pressure to specific reflex points on your feet, hands or ears.

At La LUX Spa I like to work with red wood bamboo that’s specifically designed for stimulating pressure points. While the pressure should be firm, it should not be painful or make you jump off the bed.. if anything that’s when my clients actually fall into a deep sleep because how relaxing it is. At La LUX Spa, I have 30min add on session and also full 50min session.

Benefits of Reflexology

Stress Reduction:** One of the primary benefits of reflexology is stress reduction. By targeting reflex points associated with stress and tension, the therapy can induce a state of deep relaxation, calming the nervous system and reducing stress hormones like cortisol.

Pain Relief:** Reflexology is often used to alleviate various types of pain, including headaches, back pain, and menstrual cramps. The release of endorphins during a session can provide natural pain relief.

Improved Circulation:** The manipulation of reflex points enhances blood circulation, which can benefit the cardiovascular system, reduce swelling, and promote overall wellness.

Enhanced Sleep:** Many people report improved sleep quality after a reflexology session. The relaxation and stress reduction effects can lead to better sleep patterns.

Digestive Health:** Reflexology can aid digestion by targeting reflex points linked to the digestive organs. It may help relieve symptoms of indigestion, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Balanced Energy:** Proponents of reflexology believe that it helps balance the body's energy flow, promoting physical and emotional harmony.

In Conclusion Reflexology is a natural and non-invasive therapy that offers a wide range of benefits If you're seeking relaxation and holistic wellness, consider trying Reflexology by making an appointment at La LUX Spa.

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Travel, Wellness ZO . Travel, Wellness ZO .


my friends would always text me “what part of the world are you in right now?” Because I was always somewhere, wether it’s London to see the family, Abu Dhabi for some girl time with my cousin , Vegas with the girls, or somewhere in California hiking to the Hollywood sign( which I will never do again!!)

It is no secret that taking vacations is essential for our overall well-being. We all need a break from the daily activities of life to recharge and reinvigorate ourselves.  Prior to starting my entrepreneurial journey in 2019, my friends would always text me “what part of the world are you in right now?”  Because I was always somewhere, wether it’s London to see the family, Abu Dhabi for some girl time with my cousin , Vegas with the girls, or somewhere in California hiking to the Hollywood sign( which I will never do again!!) I was always on the move.

Until I decided to embark on the entrepreneurial journey of my online boutique and La LUX Spa… Am sure all entrepreneurs can testify to the fact that starting and sustaining a business is not easy.. it’s a lot of time ,energy and money going into it, without getting any ROI in the first few years. Of course my entrepreneurial journey hasn’t been that financially capsizing for have always had the help of my parents, generous friends and people who genuinely just want to see me win… but in the process of trying to do this and that, scale this business and that business, I can honestly say I truly lost the significance of what a good getaway does to the mind..  My last proper vacation that I can recall was ringing in the 2019 New Year my family  in London… yes I have had small weekend getaways with friends or dates.. but it’s not the same.

When we take a vacation, we break away from our usual routine and environment. This change in scenery is vital because it provides us with a fresh perspective. It helps us to gain a new outlook on life and allows us to see things from a different angle. This shift in perspective can be incredibly enlightening and can even lead to personal growth and development.

My recent trip to Dallas, Texas where I spent a week and a half doing nothing but eating and sleeping , truly gave me the refresh and the reset I didn’t know I needed and the boost in productivity at home( because I do consider myself a part-time S.A.H.D)and my businesses (this is my third post this week)

Studies have shown that vacations can lower stress levels, improve sleep quality, and reduce the risk of physical and mental health problems.

Now what can be considered a vacation?

In my opinion, I would say anywhere that’s far far far away from home.. a safe place where you do nothing but eat and sleep for at least 7 plus days. That’s it that’s all.

Some are a fan of trips with at least five plus people .. to me that’s not it.. maybe this is my introvert side coming out but I truly believe in the saying of “Two is a company and three is a crowd”

going on vacations with multiple people is not truly a vacation. For you have  to deal with multiple different personalities.. and your time alone is never truly your time because this person wants to go to this places and another person wants to go eat at this place.. keep it simple and go solo, with a friend or significant other.

If you are someone with kid(s) I would suggest planning alternating trips. One vacation would be family trip and the next vacation would be a “just me” trip or “just me and daddy/mommy” trip or “just me and a friend” trip.

Bringing the whole village, pots and pans on every trip should not be a thing. And I can guarantee if you do so  it’s not going to be a fun time.. never lose sight that the whole purpose of vacation is to refresh, recharge and refocus the mind.

How often?

This  is a personal question for this depends o  ones finances.  While I do love a great escape I do not enjoy the process or living the “jet-setter” lifestyle..  anymore, for airports are germy and those plane seats are not all that comfortable regardless of wether you are flying private or commercial and the  thought of living out of a suitcase or hopping from one place to another is not something I desire.  So for that reason I would say a get away every four months is not too much, minimum twice a year. Or whenever the mind feels clouded and you need an escape

In conclusion, vacations are essential to our mental and emotional well-being. They provide us with a change in environment and perspective that are crucial for personal growth and development. They can help reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality, which can have long-lasting implications for our physical and mental health. Finally, vacations can boost our creativity and productivity, which can result in increased success in both our personal and professional lives. Hence, taking a vacation is not just a luxury but a necessity for our overall well-being.

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