Massage: Luxury or Necessity?

When you think of the word massage, what comes to mind? A must for a renewed mind body and soul, luxury only to be indulged on special occasions or something erotic that usually ends with a happy ending.

However one might view or have experienced massages before, one can not deny the widely known and scientifically proven benefits of Massage or Touch Therapy.  Benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, Increase in  sleep quality, reduced muscle tension and pain, Increased circulation and overall mood.

Massage can be a luxurious experience that provides relaxation and pampering, especially when the senses are being indulged with high quality essential oils, body butters and body scrubs in services such as Aromatherapy Massage or Body Treatments, it can also be seen as a necessity, providing relief from pain, tension and stress with therapeutic techniques that concentrate on deeper layers of the muscle in services such as Deep Tissue, Reflexology and Mu-Xing. All which are available to book at La LUX SPA

While Some might believe that massage is a luxury, something that should only be done when you can afford to spare the time and money. I believe that massage and other spa treatments should be seen as a way to routinely keep the mind at ease, sore muscles at bay, skin and soul youthful.

So is Massage a Luxury or a Necessity? The answer to that is, it can be whatever you choose for it to be, that’s why La LUX Spa Menu offers different types of spa treatments that you can indulge in or make a part of your monthly up keep. Relax, Be pampered and Relieve all tensions and stress. Book now and start feeling better!

Thank you for reading.



Sticks and Stones.
